Graduate Admissions - Oakland City University (2025)

Graduate Admissions - Oakland City University (1)

Graduate Admissions - Oakland City University (2)

Graduate Admissions - Oakland City University (3)

Become a Mighty Oak.

Oakland City University offers graduate degree programs within the areas of education, business, and religious studies.

Our instructors are leaders n their field and the support staff work diligently to make your educational experience the best it can be. Whether you want to be a professional educator, an entrepreneur in the field of business, or have goals of becoming a leader in Christian ministry, Oakland City University has a graduate program that will assist in achieving our dreams.


Admissions requirements are different for each graduate program. Please select the program below that you are interested in applying for to find those specific requirements.


To apply as an international graduate student you must meet the program requirements you are applying for and the following requirements:

  1. Completed an undergraduate or master’s program here in the United States.
  2. Potential programs cannot be a fully online program.
  3. Provides all original transcripts requested. All transcripts that are not in English must be evaluated by a professional company and converted to a 4.0 grading system.
  4. Provides the requested financial support documentation.
  5. Has a current legal status with an I-20 from previous school.
  6. Students are responsible for their own housing and transportation unless housing becomes available on campus.
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Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Designed to cover aspects of modern business administration and management practice this program is a comprehensive business simulation capstone project to tie together and affirm the interrelated nature of the various learning experiences. The MBA program has an optional concentration in Healthcare Management.

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Master of Science in Strategic Management (MSSM)

Designed for applicants with at least one year of experience in business, industry, and/or military and focuses on developing and refining leadership and managerial skills. This hands-on simulation activity ensures that students gain the ability to identify, analyze, and research the multiple facets of business management. The MSSM program offers five concentrations: Leadership, Quality Systems, Logistics & Product Distribution, Criminal Justice, and Human Resource Management.

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Certificate in Leadership

This certificate provides the student with the skills to lead effectively by building effective teams and creating productive work cultures. The student will explore strategies in effectively resolving disputes through ethical, positive solutions. Emphasis is placed on servant leadership with the philosophy that the needs of the employees are the focus and thus creating an environment where the leader is serving the people.

Certificate in Business Management

This certificate provides the student with the skills in examining internal and external environments to develop strategic plans for accomplishing business goals and a review of leadership styles for successful implementation. Attention is also given to the importance of human resources for business management.

Transition to Teaching (Licensure Only)

Designed to assist applicants who have earned a bachelor’s degree and are seeking an initial teaching license. There are three options in the T2T program: Elementary Education, Secondary Education, and Special Education.

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Building Level Administration (Licensure Only)

Designed for applicants who have completed a traditional master’s degree in a teaching field, who are seeking advanced study and building level administrative licensure.

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Master of Science in Education

Designed for applicants who have completed a baccalaureate degree and are seeking to advance in the field of education. There are three options within the degree program: School Counseling, Building Level Administration, and Curriculum & Instruction.

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Master of Arts in Teaching

Designed for applicants with a bachelor’s degree in a content area and are looking to acquire a master’s degree and initial teaching license. Requirements before licensing can begin: completion of coursework, passing scores on both State required content and pedagogy assessments, a valid CPR card, and suicide prevention training certificate.

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Doctor of Education

The Ed.D. is a professional terminal degree that requires students to engage in a rigorous process of research, inquiry, and site-based practice that not only includes the dissertation but also an extensive internship that includes an action research project as well as a cultural diversity project. There are three options for this program: Superintendency, Curriculum & Instruction, and Organizational Management.

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Education Specialist (Certificate)

Superintendency & Curriculum/Instruction (Certification of Advanced Studies, Ed.S.) is a specialized professional certificate that requires candidates to engage in a rigorous process of research, inquiry, application, and site-based practice. There are two options in this program: Superintendency and Curriculum & Instruction. There are special program requirements to receive your certification.

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Master of Arts in Pastoral Leadership (MAPL)

Designed for those individuals who seek a graduate level education that advances skills in practical ministerial service. While it is not necessary to be employed in a church, it is a requirement of this degree that each student is actively involved in church ministry. Course work will often focus on actual ministry being done in one’s church setting.

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Graduate Admissions - Oakland City University (2025)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

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Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.